Saturday, November 21, 2009


I've spent the last 20 minutes of my morning reading blogs. I have about 600 blogs listed on my blogroll. Some of these blogs have daily posts. I don't read every post on every blog. I have a few favorites that I do read every post. There are a few "dogs with blogs" I read every word. Cause I am animal person, specifically a dog person. Several blogs where the blogger posts her daily outfit, (there is even a dude that posts HIS daily outifts) cause I love clothes, whether they are home sewn or not. (Home sewn has a whole new connotation these days, most definitely NOT a "loving hands at home look," but that's a whole nother post.) Nail and make-up blogs and a few art, scrapbooking, crazy quilting, beading, knitting, and some "just because."

Glitter Graphics -

While reading blogs I was led to a site that had the above graphic on it. It reminded me of this by R. Crumb:

Which, of course, reminded me of this:

Then I went off on a nostalgic blast from the past. I loved watching Soul Train, and spent hours mimicing the Soul Train dancers. I couldn't resist posting this one. Check out the platform shoes on the first dancer!

Let's hear it for the fashions of the '70s!!

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