Tuesday, May 29, 2007

101 Things

#39-Follow Flylady. I had my own system/routines in place when I found Flylady. I tried to follow her routines but I keep going back to the ones I had in place because they work for me. I'm going to mark this as completed.

#49-Nails. I got my nails done today. In November, it had been 2 years since I had them done last. I always take them off for about a month to let my nails "breathe." But my hands were so dry and cracked from the colder weather, washing my hands all the time (I was a nurse at the time) and from stress, I decided that I would wait until they were completely healed before I got them done again. Now, in all that time, they have been completely healed maybe 4 times. This is very painful. Sometimes I would wake up at night and my fingers would be throbbing. I now use presciption creams and lotions and parafin dips on a daily basis. I really dislike not having long pretty nails!

1 comment:

Sarah and Jack said...

I tried that flylady and she just drove me crazy!