Sunday, February 08, 2009

McCall Pattern 5271

I finished McCall's pattern 5271 today. I completed the sewing a few days ago, but wasn't able to pull out the basting threads until today. I chose view D because I thought it would help to conceal the fluff I have on my stomach better than the other views.

I choose patterns I think will be flattering to my body shape and then I tend to choose patterns by the colors used on the models. I can visualize patterns in other colors and fabric patterns, but I am drawn to certain patterns due to the colors. I also tend to use the same colors in different tints, tones, shades and values. I never wear brown, oranges, yellows or greens. I've seen gorgeous fabrics in these colors but, I've never worn them. I'm thinking over the next few months I will try to find a yellow, a green and possibly a brown that will be flattering to my skin tone.

I'm still working on the Amy Butler Kimberly bag. I'm hoping I'll get a few seams sewn today. I still can't sit and sew for more than a few minutes at a time due to back pain. I've also prepared the pattern and laid out the red jersey I'll be using to make a simple jacket, McCall pattern 5241.

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