Saturday, July 05, 2008

The weekend

I spent some time today sewing. Well, not really sewing. I spent some time today cutting out the Amy Butler Kimberly bag pattern. I'm using the lime fabric shown. I'm not happy with the fusible woven interfacing I have. It's off to Joann's Fabrics tomorrow to see if they have something I like better. If I can't find anything there, I'll go to Jay's Fabric Center next week.

I was going to cut out the Emmeline apron pattern (by Montessori by Hand)but my back started hurting. I'll try to get it cut out tomorrow. I stole was inspired by the colors on this site. I'm using red, chocolate brown, and turquoise. My red fabric has tiny white dots though. I would have liked them bigger. I would also like to make an apron using chocolate brown and pink. Not sure I will use the Emmeline pattern though.

I'm wondering if this is a faux pas. It it OK to blatently copy someone else's color scheme? It's not likely that we would run into each other on the streets of St. Pete. And this person wouldn't know, except for me blogging about it and eventually posting a picture . It was because of this person, that I was drawn to and chose to make the apron. I keep "saying this person" because I haven't seen her name anywhere. However, I have seen at least 2 aprons with this color scheme. So, whoever you are, whatever your name is.....I think you have great taste and thanks for the inspiration!

There is a night wear sew-a-long happening over at Stitcher's Guild. I need a few new sleep pants and tops so I'm thinking I will unofficially participate in the sew-a-long.

I'm off to listen to some TV and knit. I'm working through the list of stitch finders, which I refer to as swatches, on Lion Brand website. I'm going to sew them together and make an afghan.

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