Sunday, July 06, 2008

101 Things to Do in 1001 Days

I'm still slowly working on my 101 things. I've decided that there will be no traveling until all the dogs have gone to the Rainbow Bridge. The last time they had to be kenneled it was very traumatic for them. Pongo had chewed on his legs and Buddy and Bear didn't tolerate it very well either. Bear is 13-ish. She is having a difficult time getting up and walking. Sometimes she just stands facing a corner and can't figure out how to get out of it.

As far as the 101 Things...The nightwear sew-a-long will take care of item number 101...Make 4 pairs of pj's.

Number 64... Make a cigar box purse....I know what I want to decorate it with. A picture of the notorious Bettie Page or Frank Sinatra.

A lot of things are still in progress, although progress is really slow! LOL

Saturday, July 05, 2008

The weekend

I spent some time today sewing. Well, not really sewing. I spent some time today cutting out the Amy Butler Kimberly bag pattern. I'm using the lime fabric shown. I'm not happy with the fusible woven interfacing I have. It's off to Joann's Fabrics tomorrow to see if they have something I like better. If I can't find anything there, I'll go to Jay's Fabric Center next week.

I was going to cut out the Emmeline apron pattern (by Montessori by Hand)but my back started hurting. I'll try to get it cut out tomorrow. I stole was inspired by the colors on this site. I'm using red, chocolate brown, and turquoise. My red fabric has tiny white dots though. I would have liked them bigger. I would also like to make an apron using chocolate brown and pink. Not sure I will use the Emmeline pattern though.

I'm wondering if this is a faux pas. It it OK to blatently copy someone else's color scheme? It's not likely that we would run into each other on the streets of St. Pete. And this person wouldn't know, except for me blogging about it and eventually posting a picture . It was because of this person, that I was drawn to and chose to make the apron. I keep "saying this person" because I haven't seen her name anywhere. However, I have seen at least 2 aprons with this color scheme. So, whoever you are, whatever your name is.....I think you have great taste and thanks for the inspiration!

There is a night wear sew-a-long happening over at Stitcher's Guild. I need a few new sleep pants and tops so I'm thinking I will unofficially participate in the sew-a-long.

I'm off to listen to some TV and knit. I'm working through the list of stitch finders, which I refer to as swatches, on Lion Brand website. I'm going to sew them together and make an afghan.

Friday, July 04, 2008

July 4, 2008

Happy Fourth!!

Thursday, July 03, 2008

More Challenges

I have been participating off and on in a number of challenges. My goal for July is to get everything caught up and add a couple more to the list.

The first challenge is the 1% Well Read Challenge. The goal of this challenge is to read 10 books in 10 months from the 1001 Books You Must Read Before You Die list. For you non-math people, 10 out of 1001 is approximately 1%, hence the title. The challenge will run from May 1, 2008 through February 28, 2009.Here is my list of books:
Love in the Time of Cholera by Gabriel Garcia Marquez
Agnes Grey by Anne Bronte
The Book of Illusions by Paul Auster (I’ve already started reading)
Beloved by Toni Morrison
Cocaine Nights by JG Ballard
I know Why the Caged Bird Sings by Maya Angelou
I, Robot by Isaac Asimov
Cakes and Ale by W. Somerset Maugham
Orlando by Virginia Woolf
Sons and Lovers by D.H. Lawrence

The next challenge is the Self Portrait Challenge. Each month a theme is introduced and you take a self portrait using the current month's theme. This month the theme is skill. I just found out they blogged about this over on whip up.

Before I blog any further I must show a pic of my new "baby".
Yup. I did it. I switched to an Apple. Family and friends are amazed. They all know me as a Window's nerd girl. Bill Gates is my hero. I thought getting an iMac would be a pleasant change. I have mixed feelings about it. Some aspects are nice. I love the monitor and the sleekness of having everything compacted. On the other hand, it's hard getting use to the "windows" I have open deciding to switch places again, again, and again until they give me motion sickness! LOL I'm still getting used to the keyboard shortcuts.