Friday, June 14, 2013

I'm no longer even going to

pretend like I'm going to be blogging regularly. LOL Every time I say I will, something happens and the next thing I know it's a month (or more) later. Things at work have been rather chaotic. Everyone is trying to adapt to the changes in their own way. Some aren't dealing with the change in a positive light, and are rather, how shall I say this? bitchy......YES, that is exactly how to describe it. I'm just hoping that things will get better soon. We've been told that more changes are coming. LOL at least we have been served notice.

In the evenings I like to spend some time on the computer, while listening to ID. I particularly like Swamp Murders and Southern Fried Homicide. (I think I just like listening to the "southern" accents of the hosts.) Over and over again I am shocked at the violence that has been perpetrated against the victims. The pain that was inflicted against the victims and, the pain the families endure from their loss, and going through life without their loved ones.

I'm still attending Weight Watchers meetings every Saturday morning. I'm down approximately 23 pounds. Hubby and I still have Weight Watcher Wednesday, where we try a new Weight Watcher recipe. Many of those recipes have been put into the menu rotation. We've had tilapia tacos, sausage with summer veggie skillet, lemon pasta,and the latest dinner was Gruyere grilled cheese sandwich with arugula salad. This is one of my absolute favorites. In the past, I haven't had much luck with Weight Watchers recipes. Most of the just didn't appeal to me. Somewhere along the way I acquired Weight Watchers - Four Ingredient, 10 Minute Recipes Magazine. They nailed it with this book. I have really liked every recipe I have tried so far, and there are a lot more I want to try. I'm really enjoying cooking again. Still don't like the clean-up though. LOL

Keep on keeping on

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