Tuesday, November 04, 2014

Yes...it's that time again

Yesterday was the last day of 101 Things III. Time to get a new list going. A LOT of items on the list is carried over from the last list. Life interfered in a major way. I'm hoping that I will be able to complete a good many of the things this time. Soooooo.......here goes with the new list.

001. SWAP storyboard/lookbook to fill the gaps in my wardrobe

002. Build a piece of furniture

003. Watch 26 movies I've never seen starting with each letter of the Alphabet

004. Make 5 pairs of sleep pants or shorts, and wear a pair in public

005. Find a personally inspirational quote and work it into a piece of art or home decor

006. Listen to and learn about Cuban music

007. Build a pinhole camera

008. Re-learn French and to properly swear, to increase my French vocabulary, learn a new word or phrase each week

009. Make a no flour sugar free chocolate cake

010. Decorate for Christmas-with the Victorian decorations

011. Stretch every morning for a month...make it an ongoing habit

012. Re-decorate the bathroom

013. Make a sweet corn salsa

014. Make a list of 101 quotes that inspire me

015. Take a photo every day for a month

016. Go to Christmas Mass

017. Say I love you in 10 languages

018. Find a great red dress and a great black dress and buy them (or make them)

019. Cook barbecued/smoked ribs on the grill

020. Make homemade marshmallows and roast over fire pit, make s’mores

021. Make bath bombs

022. Plant roses in back yard

023. Get/build a Nativity Set

024. Have a Jell-O shot

025. Paint a scene of a beach in the full moon light

026. Watch the Wizard of Oz while playing Dark Side of the Moon

027. Install or build a fire pit in the backyard

028. Make new curtains for the dining room

029. Make paper

030. Buy a weaving loom

031. Make a pie on Pi day-3-14-2015

032. Get a spray tan

033. Crochet edgings for pillow cases

034. Re-learn to play the keyboard and practice at least one song every day for two weeks

035. Re-learn to read music

036. Build a cigar box purse

037. Have professional photo taken

038. Make a collection of handmade ornaments for the Christmas tree

039. Take my vitamins every day for a month...make it an ongoing habit

040. Build a 1/12 scale miniature house, and begin to furnish it

041. Make bears/bear clothes

042. Geocache/Go geocaching at least 6 times before last day

043. Buy/learn to use portable GPS

044. Learn Pilates

045. Make a bra and panty set

046. Knit socks

047. Go to see a play/musical/ballet

048. Build up a 3 month emergency fund in savings

049. Go through my Photoshop manual and learn 10 cool tricks

050. Identify 101 things that bring me joy - completed 11/23/14

051. Be so flexible I can do a split-again

052. Go to a crochet/knitting group

053. Bug a red wig

054. Become strong enough to do 10 one-armed push-ups in a row

055. Study and research Buddhism

056. Braid a rug for the kitchen in front of the sink

057. Grow an herb garden and a small vegetable garden from seeds, use in recipes

058. Buy a fondue pot and use at least once a month

059. Learn how to make Tiramisu

060. Build a robot kit

061. Choose 10 countries and read a book by an author from each

062. Make at least one altered book

063. Dress form/duct tape double-after weight loss ?? date

064. Design 4 tattoos and have them done, a vine with flowers and Mike’s name on the blooms, Celtic knot, in emerald green, and two others, I’m not sure of yet

065. Celebrate the spring and autumn equinox

066. Go to see Swan Lake

067. Organize my photos

068. Help pay for a rescue animal’s medical bills

069. Find my signature cupcake recipe

070. Read the Bible, from beginning to end

071. Paint the hallway - yellow with purple trim

072. Listen to 26 bands I’ve never heard of, each starting with a different letter of the alphabet

073. Start a gratitude journal

074. Go to an opera

075. Have a full spa day

076. Hook a bath mat from jersey

077. Make a bed for Molly

078. Design a wardrobe for each decade from the 1920s through 2010 for Molly, make patterns, and sew as many pieces as possible. "Through the Decades"

079. Make a travel/protection charm for the truck

080. Make five soups from scratch

081. Create an original art self portrait

082. Make Amy Butler’s Bloom quilt

083. Decorate for Halloween...go all out

084. Make at least one thing per month from Pinterest…to be listed later.

085. Make a bib

086. Complete 12 pieces of jewelry

087. Paint a sugar skull mask

088. Make a coffin purse

089. Put $100.00 in savings for each item not completed by the last day

090. Identify 10 native trees and plants, and photograph them

091. Learn basic electronics

092. Complete one 26 Things photography scavenger hunt

093. Bake bread (yeast and kneading)

094. Memorize a poem

095. Sew and review 12 articles of clothing

096. Review 12 books on Amazon.com

097. Read Zen and the Art of Motorcycle Maintenance

098. Make 10 "ethnic" foods

099. Make a pillow

100. Make a clock

101. Make an umbrella

102. Run three 5Ks--on my ifit treadmill

103. Learn to build a fire without matches

104. Document accomplishing each thing (photo or journaling)

105. On Day 1001, make a new list

As is my custom, there are 105 things on my list of 101 things LOL

Keep on keeping on

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